Nota Biográfica: Suman Fernando

Suman Fernando

Education: Secondary education in Colombo, Sri Lanka; BA in natural sciences, University of Cambridge; doctor of medicine, University of Cambridge; fellow, Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Career 2000-present: honorary professor in faculty of social sciences and humanities, London Metropolitan University; 2007-11: consultant to trauma and global health programme co-ordinated by McGill University, Montreal; 1998-11: senior lecturer in mental health, University of Kent; 1969-94: consultant psychiatrist, Chase Farm hospital; 1961-69: psychiatrist at various mental health hospitals in London.
I was a consultant psychiatrist for over twenty years until the mid-1990s (took early retirement) and member of the Mental Health Act Commission - a government inspectorate - chairing its National Standing Committee on Race and Culture. Since then, I have been an academic, a lecturer, a writer and an advisor on mental health practice and service provision. Here is a list of my appointments (click to see).
In 2017 I brought together in a book (Institutional Racim in Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology) personal stories set against a background of political events in order to explore / explain what 'institutional racism' in the mental health system really means, and how it impacts on experience of black and other racialised people caught up in the system. Prior to that I had written and lecutred on issues of race and culture in MH services.


(2002) Mental Health, Race and Culture, second edition, Palgrave, Basingstoke. ISBN 0-333-96026-2(pbk)
(2003) Cultural Diversity, Mental Health and Psychiatry. The Struggle Against Racism. Brunner-Routledge, Hove andNew York. ISBN 1-58391-252-5 (hbk); 1-58391-253-3 (pbk)
(2009) (edited jointly with Frank Keating) Mental Health in a Multi-ethnic Society. A Multidisciplinary Handbook. Second Edition. Routledge, Hove and New York. ISBN 978-0-415-41486-9 (hbk); 978-0-415-41487-9 (pbk).
(2010) Mental Health, Race and Culture. Third Edition, Palgrave-Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN-10:023021271-9; ISBN-978-0-23021271-8 (pbk)
(2014) Mental Health Worldwide; culture, globalization and development. Palgrave-Macmillan, Basingstoke.ISBN-978-1-137-32958-5
(2018) (edited jointly with   Roy Moodley).Global Psychologies. Mental Health and the Global South. Palgrave Macmillan UK.  ISBN 978-1-349-95936-5

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